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Подвески с бриллиантами

Дизайн подвеска, которая полностью уникальна для вас. Начните с выбора настройки, а затем выберите свой любимый центр Diamond или Gemstone из нашего каталога.



Выберите настройки



Полный Подвеска

Дизайн подвеска, которая полностью уникальна для вас. Начните с выбора настройки, а затем выберите свой любимый центр Diamond или Gemstone из нашего каталога.

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With a single gem placed on a chain, diamond pendants are a vision of simplicity and grace. These settings allow you to choose your favourite centre stone depending on shape, size and quality.

Diamond pendants have very little metal set around the diamond, which allows a great amount of light to travel through the stone and reflect out, creating a mesmerising display of dancing fire and sparkle.

For a touch of colour, you can also choose to have your necklace set with a gemstone. With vibrant hues of blue, green, yellow or red, a coloured gemstone adds a bright and captivating touch to your design.

The simplicity of a pendant necklace allows you to layer it with other necklaces or varying styles and length. The key is to add contrast, so a simple pendant will always sit beautifully next to more flamboyant pieces. Solitaire pendant necklaces also make for an ideal gift that can be combined along with sparkling engagement rings.

Feel you have the perfect diamond pendant in mind? You can alter existing designs through our bespoke service to create the ideal fit. Whether you wish to change a design or are looking for a specific centre diamond or gemstone, our designers are on hand to help make your vision reality.

Выбор настроек (без НДС)

Aria, Белое золото (18к) (По умолчанию)

£ 418,17

Выбрано Бриллиант (без НДС)

По умолчанию (Круг, 0.30, K, SI1)

£ 186,64

Общая сумма

(С учетом НДС)

£ 604,81

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